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Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 take the PSAT in October. The PSAT is a predictor of a student's score on the SAT. 
Students may use the results of the PSAT to identify strengths and weaknesses in preparation for a higher score on the SAT. 

The PSAT is available to 11th grade homeschooled students and will be administered in mid-October. For more information, contact the Assessment Assistant Principal at the campus closest to you to register by mid-September. 


Students are encouraged to take either the ACT or the SAT (or both) during the spring of their Junior year or the fall of their senior year. These tests, given on selected Saturdays, have a registration deadline and fee. 

Klein ISD juniors are eligible to take the School Day SAT in early March. No registration is required, and the SAT is given at no cost. Contact the Assistant Principal over assessment for more information.